How to make ledger distributed?

I’m quite confused about distributed ledger.Does it mean that I should run two ledger with different dar, one JSON API, one front-end programme? If so, how to configure to send requests accordingly? Is there some examples which may be beneficial for my understanding about distributed ledger

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Hi @Xuyx! If you want to run DAML on a distributed ledger, you can choose a distributed ledger from one of the supported platforms (see ‘Supported Platforms’ on These ledgers have different architectures, but in general they will have a concept of distributed nodes forming the ledger together. Each node exposes the DAML ledger API. You will deploy the same dar package to each of the nodes. The JSON API can then connect to one of the nodes and your UI can send requests to this JSON API server.
Maybe a good place to get you started is to run through this interactive course Learn DAML Language - Interactive Learning Tutorials -DAML where you spin up one Sawtooth ledger node and deploy a dar package to this node.