Getting Started with - First Screenshot

Getting started, first app created and running successfully.


Welcome to the forum @mefmind! Congratulations on completing your first app!

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Congrats @mefmind! Enjoy your well deserved badge :slight_smile:

Well done @mefmind … who knew building a working secure, ‘social network’ using Smart Contracts would be so easy?

Welcome to the forum, keep going, it only gets better :+1:t2: :grinning:

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Getting Started

Warm welcome to the forum and congrats on running your first Daml app! Keep them coming.

Hello Daml world! Use my test server for better understanding for it work on a real server.

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Congrats on successfully running your first Daml app on a remote server, and welcome to the forum! It gets progressively more interesting as you move along your Daml learning journey.

It works!!! What a badge :slight_smile:

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Congratulations, and keep at it :+1:t2:

And I passed also the second buoy!