Error in running Navigator

Hi there,
The following errors are found when running navigator. It looks like it is unable to access some ledger API service but I couldn’t see which one. Can anyone help here? We are using Daml 2.0.1


daml navigator server urlAddress 6865 --tls --access-token-file ./token.txt --feature-user-management false

21:06:55.978 [] INFO - Starting actor for party Charlie (display name Charlie) akkaAddress=akka://da-ui-backend,, akkaSource=akka://da-ui-backend/user/$a, sourceActorSystem=da-ui-backend, akkaTimestamp=11:06:55.978UTC
21:07:06.081 [] ERROR c.d.n.s.platform.PlatformSubscriber - Unable to perform API operation: UNAVAILABLE: unavailable akkaAddress=akka://da-ui-backend,, akkaSource=akka://da-ui-backend/user/$a/party-Bob, sourceActorSystem=da-ui-backend, akkaTimestamp=11:07:06.079UTC
21:07:06.081 [] ERROR c.d.n.s.platform.PlatformSubscriber - Failed to start actor for party ‘Bob’:$StoreException: UNAVAILABLE: unavailable. Please fix any issues and restart this application. akkaAddress=akka://da-ui-backend,, akkaSource=akka://da-ui-backend/user/$a/party-Bob, sourceActorSystem=da-ui-backend, akkaTimestamp=11:07:06.080UTC
21:07:06.087 [] ERROR c.d.n.s.platform.PlatformSubscriber - Unable to perform API operation: UNAVAILABLE: unavailable akkaAddress=akka://da-ui-backend,, akkaSource=akka://da-ui-backend/user/$a/party-Charlie, sourceActorSystem=da-ui-backend, akkaTimestamp=11:07:06.087UTC

The code that is failing is the one here daml/PlatformSubscriber.scala at a1e92e539f0791ff8203e878aa505505e29590a1 · digital-asset/daml · GitHub. It calls the package service, completion service and transaction service. My guess is that it just fails on the first one, i.e., the package service but the error isn’t informative enough.

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