Domain protocol version upgrade via remote administration console

Is it possible to do the “Hard Domain Connection Upgrade” process[1] from a “Remote Administration” console[2]? Let’s assume that I have a domain running (in daemon mode) and I would like to carry out the protocol version upgrade of that. If the answer is ‘no’, what can/should I do?

[1] Upgrading — Daml SDK 2.5.5 documentation
[2] Canton Console — Canton 2.7.0-SNAPSHOT documentation

If you need to run console commands on a local node but you don’t have access to the interactive console, you can use a canton script and run using

./bin/canton run <script> -c config

Please have a look here: Command-line Arguments — Daml SDK 2.6.3 documentation

However, running the hard domain connection upgrade remotely has been added with 2.6.3: Release canton v2.6.3 · digital-asset/canton · GitHub