Domain initialization

Hi Team,

I am practicing the domain initialization (Identity Management — Daml SDK 2.2.0 documentation) and inside which there is a variable initialDynamicDomainParameters. I can’t find where it is defined. Kindly advise.


Hello @kctam ,
I think there are two questions here.

The first one could be about the meaning of this command. Here, it’s really that you can specify the dynamic domain parameters. The full list of parameters can be found here:

If you want to know which are the default values that are used when you bootstrap a domain, you can find them here: canton/DomainParameters.scala at 17366f9c137c9bf24c8ef6e9424a7c36c4db8c39 · digital-asset/canton · GitHub

Does that answer your question?



Thanks @Rafael_Guglielmetti . Very useful info.

It’s more a practicing. When I execute this command the error message appears.

@ mydomain.topology.domain_parameters_changes.authorize(DomainId(uid), initialDynamicDomainParameters) not found: value initialDynamicDomainParameters
val res4 = mydomain.topology.domain_parameters_changes.authorize(DomainId(uid), initialDynamicDomainParameters)
Compilation Failed

I think the initialDynamicDomainParameters should be defined somewhere, or mentioned in the doc.

Thanks again.

Yes, you are right. The setup for some of these snippets is a bit cumbersome : when they are generated from our tests, we have more context in the test, leading to snippets that are not self contained.
Please do not hesitate to mention such issues to us. I opened an issue to fix that for the upcoming release.