Hi all,
When working with the daml trigger library I faced some issues described in this forum post.
The problem:
I am working on daml triggers with daml sdk 2.4.0 using the local sandbox. I am able to compile the build the project without any warnings or errors, but when I am trying to run the daml trigger
command I am experiencing issues. For instance for the following command:
daml trigger \
--dar build/triggers-0.0.1.daml \
--trigger-name Trigger.Autoapproval.Onboarding.ServiceRequests:autoApprovalTrigger \
--ledger-user user1 \
--ledger-host localhost \
--ledger-port 6865 \
I am facing the following error:
Exception in thread "main" com.daml.lf.speedy.Compiler$LanguageVersionError: Disallowed language version LanguageVersion(V1,LanguageMinorVersion(15))
10:50:51.822 [TriggerRunner-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-8] INFO akka.actor.CoordinatedShutdown - Running CoordinatedShutdown with reason [ActorSystemTerminateReason]
daml-helper: Received ExitFailure 1 when running
Raw command: java -Dlogback.configurationFile=... -jar ... trigger --dar build/triggers-0.0.1.daml --trigger-name Trigger.Autoapproval.Onboarding.ServiceRequests:autoApprovalTrigger --ledger-user user1 --ledger-host localhost --ledger-port 6865 --wall-clock-time
This issue appears to be related with the build options we are using in order to target 1.15:
- --target=1.15
- --ghc-option=-Wno-deprecations
Unfortunately we cannot “downgrade” to a previous language version because it causes a clash with other dependencies (in particular daml-finance
which we are using for the triggers), which makes the project impossible to build.
- OS: MacOS
- Daml version: 2.4.0
I was wondering if anyone here faced a similar issue, and could provide some help regarding this subject.