Daml Studio (Vs Code) Problem

Hello all,

I’m currently having an issue on vs code that is disabling daml studio features like the linter and script results, etc. On the “Problems” tab, I’m seeing:

<command-line>: cannot satisfy --package xyz-0.1.0: Compiler [Ln1, Col1]
xyz-0.1.0 is unusable due to missing dependencies:

Even though I have this issue I can still compile the code just fine using daml SDK 2.5.1.

Thanks in advance

I have not been able to reproduce the issue. Do you have any more clues? For example,

  • Is the daml.yaml file in the folder that VS Code is open to?
  • Do you have multiple daml.yaml files in your folder and subfolders?
  • If the daml.yaml is in a subfolder, do the Daml features start working if you open VS Code to the folder with the daml.yaml?
  • Would you be willing to post your daml.yaml?