DAML LF verson

Is there a way of collating which verison of DAML LF is used for each SDK version, other than trawling through the release notes ?


Hi @AndrewDrummond, great question.

You can find the link between SDK versions and supported Ledger API versions in our documentation.
What was missing so far, is an easy way to see the link between ledger API version and LF version. However, just today, I added a ledger API changelog to our documentation. This isn’t released yet (our docs are released together with SDK releases) but you can see it at daml/compatibility.rst at 8945392f64df94c6bb14331f665a69a41f301479 · digital-asset/daml · GitHub.

Would this changelog have answered your question?


HI, thanks for that - that’s sort of what I had summised from the release notes but it’s good to have confirmation. Thanks.