Daml Hub Service Account Login

The docs here https://hub.daml.com/docs/api#operation/saLogin don’t show a request sample, how should the body of the POST request look for this request?


The requests should look like this:
curl -XPOST https://${ledgerId}.daml.app/.hub/v1/sa/login -u ${service-account-credential}
(where -u indicates Basic Auth, i.e. a Authorization: Basic ${base64 encoded credential} header)

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the service account credential is of the form username:password, and can be copied from Hub in the ledger’s service accounts page

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hey thanks @Sammy_Abed ! So for a user in Python, we’d have to add this Authorization: Basic ${base64 encoded credential} as a header? Do you happen to have an example in Python?

Also, I only ever got the service account username, never a password, how do I get that? or is the credentials supplied on creation the password? If that’s the case, what is the username?

To get both the username and password, try using the Copy To Clipboard icon as only the username is visible in the text field.

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For a Service Account there is no “Copy to Clipboard” icon?

Hi @arya,

To clarify:

  1. Upon creating a new Service Account for the first time, you are presented with a secret credential that is displayed once.
  2. At this time, you’ll see the credential ID and a “Copy to Clipboard” button which includes the entire credential, which is one string value formatted as cred-id:secret
  3. When making a request to the SA login endpoint, you’ll want to submit the header of the form Authorization: Basic ${base64(cred-id:secret)}
  4. Alternatively to (3), if your HTTP client has a helper method for Basic auth you may use cred-id and secret as username and password respectively. For example, with Python and requests:
response = requests.post('https://myapp.daml.app/.hub/v1/sa/login', auth=('cred-id', 'secret'))

Hope that helps!

thanks @Alex_Matson ! That is very helpful. Two things:

  1. when I copied the credential generated in step 2, it was in the form cred-<HASH> and not in the form <cred-id>:<secret>.
  2. what is cred-id here? is it the label given to the service account during its creation?

Here’s a concrete example:

# complete credential (copied via the clipboard button)

# credential id

# secret

(The label you give it doesn’t factor in to any of this)

Oh thank you! the cred-id was so long that the secret blended in and I missed it my bad, thanks for the example!