I run my daml code on Daml Hub.
Is there a preferable way of upgrading dar with the new code that I develop? Or migrating the ledger to a new dar that I upload?
I run my daml code on Daml Hub.
Is there a preferable way of upgrading dar with the new code that I develop? Or migrating the ledger to a new dar that I upload?
Hi @VictorShneer,
I don’t think I understand your question properly. If you have rebuilt your dar then you can upload it to the ledger without much effect as the package id of the dar build from the updated code will not collide with the package id of the previous one. If you used the same module and template names, it will however enforce you to use the fully qualified name of your templates from that point. If you want to migrate the contracts you have already created using the older version, currently you will have to actively archive the old contracts and recreate them using the new templates.
Kind Regards,
Hi @VictorShneer,
Along with the info @Mate_Varga provided, here is documentation on a few potential strategies for upgrading and extending Daml models: Upgrading and Extending Daml Applications — Daml SDK 2.5.5 documentation, which may give you some ideas on how to perform upgrades with your models.