Daml Finance Example App - Error Issuing Cash

Hi, I am using the GitHub - digital-asset/daml-finance-app and attempting to create some USD holdings to use for settlement. I assume it’s the cash provider party who should do this. When I log in as the cash provider, and I go to the Issuance page, I try to issue some USD. When I click “Request Issuance”, the UI doesn’t respond and I get the following error in the console:

Hi @huw,

The easiest workflow to distribute cash to a party is the propose / accept pattern in this utility function. It requires a custody service to be setup between the holding’s owner and custodian.

This is used to distribute cash in the Daml Finance App’s setup script, e.g. in here.

However, I believe this workflow is currently not exposed directly in the UI, which instead requires you to

  • issue USD holdings to the Central Bank
  • distribute them to other parties

In order for the issuance to work, you will need to setup

  • A custody service provided by the Central Bank to themselves
  • An account provided by the Central Bank to themselves
  • An issuance service provided by the Central Bank to themselves
  • An auto-issuance service provided by the Central Bank to themselves (in order to bypass the propose / accept pattern)

I collected the required steps in this commit for your convenience.
