Daml compatability with latest M2 chip from macbook pro

I just want to ask if Daml works fine on latest M2 chip of macbook pro?

Thanks for your response :slight_smile:

We do not officially support Apple Silicon yet. In particular, we do not publish an Apple Silicon version of the SDK, nor arm-compatible Docker images.

That said, anecdotally, SDK versions 1.17.0 and above have been reported to work on M1 machines under Rosetta. I haven’t heard about M2, but as far as I know it’s just a faster M1, so if you’re using a recent SDK version it should work as expected.


Thanks @Gary_Verhaegen
I just want to make sure our daml project will not have issues if ever we switch to latest M2 apple chip :slight_smile:

we are using Daml 2.3.0


Please upgrade to at least 2.3.6, but ideally 2.4.0.

Do not go into production with 2.3.0.

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