I’m not 100% sure because the red highlight partly hides it, but could it be that the Daml directory in your path is lacking the initial /? It should be /Users/...
I’m not even sure whether we’re using it anymore to be honest. The forum works way better to make sure people can find answers to known problems and we’re also very active here.
HI @dhaileytaha ,
No idea about setting path in macos to get daml to work,
i have got this problem in ubuntu after installing java sdk,so just paste this in terminal and enter these three commands.It worked for me.
Hi @Navya_Teja welcome to the Daml Forum, good to ‘see’ you
Using both Ubuntu & Debian, I tried the default method of setting the Daml $PATH to be sourced from ~/.bash_profile, but it did not work. I used ~/.bashrc instead.
$ cd
$ nano ~/.bashrc
At bottom of the .bashrc file
export PATH="/home/quid/.daml/bin:$PATH"
$ source ~/.bashrc
Log out of the desktop session, log back in again and test:
$ cd
$ echo $PATH
$ daml version
SDK versions:
1.13.1 (default SDK version for new projects)
Many people on #stackoverflow will say to use ~/.bash_profile on Ubuntu/Debian but in my experience, it is non-consistent YMMV.