CONFIG_VALIDATION_ERROR, Protocol version is not defined

When I try to start a 2.9.x Canton domain, I get the following error:

Failed to validate the configuration due to:
Protocol version is not defined for domain `mydomain`.
Define protocol version at key

What is this about? What do I do?

The release notes for 2.9.1 say:

you must now set the protocol version explicitly. In prior releases, the domain protocol version was set to the latest protocol version by default.

This means that if you have a Canton configuration that you were using prior to 2.9.x, you will need to add an additional entry. As the error message says, “Define protocol version at key init.domain-parameters.protocol-version.”

For example:

canton {
  domains {
    mydomain {
      init.domain-parameters.protocol-version = 5

To learn more about Canton protocol versions, see the docs.