Change default port 4000 when using `daml ledger navigator`

How do I spin up the navigator on a different port instead of the default 4000 when using the daml ledger navigator command?


daml ledger navigator passes all additional arguments down to the underlying daml navigator command. This is a bit tricky here since daml ledger navigator also takes a --port flag itself which specifies the port of the ledger while daml navigator takes a --port flag that specifies the port of Navigator.

  1. If you already have a --port flag, you can add the Navigator port as a second flag via daml ledger navigator --host ledgerhost --port ledgerport --port navigatorport.
  2. If you don’t have a --port flag, you need to add a bit of -- to make sure that daml ledger navigator passes the --port flag down instead of interpreting it itself. Somewhat confusingly you need two here so daml ledger navigator -- -- --port navigatorport works. I’ll see if we can make that a bit less confusing.

Missed opportunity to call it a “dash of --