Canton Ledger Pruning

I see the command reference for ledger pruning here.

But where can I read details about the Pruning Service, details on the pruning process and how it works on Canton? Apologies if I’ve missed it, but couldn’t seem to find it in the Canton Admin APIs or the Operations Processes sections.

Daml participant pruning is not Canton-specific and documented here.
Pruning API docs are linked from there.

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@bernhard’s answer is correct. However, there are some Canton specific details documented in the Canton subset of the documentation. These have not yet been published with a stable release and are right now available in the dev preview documentation: Operational Processes — Canton 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT documentation


What happens if a sequencer is attempted to be pruned at a later point than a participant has caught up? Are there mechanisms to prevent that or must there be an agreed upon minimum participant availability? And how can a participant be recovered if it doesn’t comply?

I think this is already answered here:

I.e., by default the prune command will only prune events that have been read and acknowledged by all recipients. There are also variants of the prune command that allow you to forcefully prune a sequencer.

If you forcefully prune a sequencer and you happen to prune “too much” some participants will permanently be unable to connect to the sequencer.

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