Canton date format issues

I am getting error while setting date value in Daml contract from canton script.
RROR c.d.c.c.EnterpriseConsoleEnvironment - Request failed for participant1.
GrpcClientError: INVALID_ARGUMENT/COMMAND_PREPROCESSING_FAILED(8,71e073be): mismatching type: Date and value: ValueText(2023-11-09)
val job1 = Map(“dateOfJob” → “2023-11-09”, “jobEnumId” → 1, “artifactId” → List(1))

How are you setting it? It looks like you are passing a string rather than a date.

for date type also it is not working val job1 = Map(“dateOfJob” → LocalDate.of(2022, 7, 22), “jobEnumId” → 1, “artifactId” → List(1)).
I have tried multiple thing java function for date is not working while setting the value in daml contracts from canton

I’m not 100% sure that LocalDate is the type you need. Can you please share how you’re setting it? Without seeing your the part of the script that fails it’s difficult to tell what the error might be.

this is data from contracts :-1:
data Job = Job
dateOfJob : Date
jobEnumId : Int
artifactId : [Int]
deriving (Eq, Show)

What value i need to set from canton because nothing is working at all.
val badge1 = Map(“id” → “badge1”, “name” → “Badge 1”)
val certificate1 = Map(“id” → “certificate1”, “title” → “Certificate 1”)
val job1 = Map(“dateOfJob” → LocalDate.of(2022, 7, 22), “jobEnumId” → 1, “artifactId” → List(1))
val feedback1 = Map(“id” → “feedback1”, “rating” → 5, “summary” → “Great job!”)

val cont1 = Map(“pmcId” → 15, “role” → contributor, “name” → “APIN”, “grade” → “”, “actualProject” → “”, “billingType” → “”, “certificates” → List(certificate1), “wallet” → 1000.00, “badges” → List(badge1), “feedbacks” → List(feedback1), “jobs” → List(job1), “admin” → admin)


if val job1 = Map(“dateOfJob” → java.time.LocalDate.parse(“2023-01-12”), “jobEnumId” → 1, “artifactId” → List(1))
ERROR c.d.c.ConsoleInteractiveRunner - Running bootstrap script failed with an exception (value type not yet implemented: class java.time.LocalDate)!

dateOfJob -Date type in daml

What does this function do?