I am trying to translate the below init-script we have into init.canton and have hard time doing so. Appreciate any help i could get!
daml 1.2
module Setup where
import Daml.Script
import Role.Operator
data Parties = Parties with
operator : Party
setup : Script ()
setup = do
operator <- allocatePartyWithHint "Operator" $ PartyIdHint with partyIdHint = "Operator"
opRole <- submit operator $ createCmd OperatorRole with operator
pure ()
I have gotten this far
import better.files._
val operator = participant1.parties.enable("Operator")
val operatorAssignment = Set(operator -> participant1)
// upload dar file to participants
val darPath = Option(System.getProperty("dar-path")).getOrElse("/.daml/dist/participant-${DAR_VERSION}.dar")
darPath.exists || sys.error(s"cannot find the dar file ${darPath}")
Is there a way we can ask canton to pick it like we do in daml.yaml, for example: init-script:Setup:setup
Hi @stefanobaghino-da ,
Thanks for your response. This works in a sandbox environment, i’m afraid it’s bit too much for production/prod replica environments as we’ll end up running the daml script
command manually. I was able to figure out some stuff in the bootstrap script and it is working, but i’m not sure if it is right or not. Below is the script.
import better.files._
val operator = participant1.parties.enable("Operator")
val operatorAssignment = Set(operator -> participant1)
// upload dar file to participants
val darPath = Option(System.getProperty("dar-path")).getOrElse("/.daml/dist/participant-${DAR_VERSION}.dar")
darPath.exists || sys.error(s"cannot find the dar file ${darPath}")
val operatorRolePackageId = participant1.packages.find("Role.Operator").head.packageId
val createRoleCommand = ledger_api_utils.create(operatorRolePackageId, "Role.Operator", "OperatorRole", Map("operator" -> participant1.parties.find("Operator")))
participant1.ledger_api.commands.submit(Seq(participant1.parties.find("Operator")), Seq(createRoleCommand))