Best Practice on Structuring Daml Tests?

Is there a Daml “best practice” for structuring tests?
For example, in the DA Market place repo da-marketplace/daml at main · digital-asset/da-marketplace · GitHub

The tests have its own directory, I suspect its because we are following the best practice for structuring a haskell project as shown in the link below:

Is there anything against structuring the tests such as

          Account.daml ( defined as module Main.Account where) 
         Account.daml (defined as module Test.Account where, and we import the above Main.Account)

So that each daml module is accompanied by a test along side?

Would like to know if there is a preferred or recommended way, thanks!

Marketplace contains many library components, for which having separate tests is appropriate. In case of developing a library, I suggest following its structure.

However, for developing a typical Daml application, I would not be so strict. If you find it useful to have instant feedback in Daml Studio on tests that fail as you make updates to your contracts, as will appear under Script results as you edit a Daml source file, then go ahead and put the scripts in the same file as the templates they’re testing.