Are snapshot packages available via Maven? Or is there another way to build against snapshot releases?

I’m trying to build daml-on-sawtooth against a snapshot release but can’t as the packages aren’t available in the maven repo. Or am I getting the version numbering wrong here?

[INFO] ---------------< daml-on-sawtooth:sawtooth-daml-common >----------------
[INFO] Building sawtooth-daml-common 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT                       [4/7]
[INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
Downloading from central:
[WARNING] The POM for com.daml.ledger:participant-state-kvutils_2.12:jar: is missing, no dependency information available
Downloading from central:

Edit: Actually I do see other snapshot versions available on, just not this one image

Snapshot versions are available on Maven but two things changed in 1.0 (and in recent snapshots)

  1. All packages now have com.daml as their group id and the artifact id has changed.
  2. Maven artifacts no longer have a version number incremented by 100.

So for this particular artifact, you need to use

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