With .. syntax

Hi! Thank you to your help, I wrote my first smart contract! :smiley: :smiley:
Quick question: Is this syntax deprecated?

newToken ← create Token

The two dots to state that we keep the same arguments are they still valid? Is there a new syntax to keep the same arguments? I cannot find them in the documentation (only in the tutorials), but I don’t how to replace them, as I get an error when I try to use this syntax.

Thank you everyone in advance!


This syntax is not deprecated. The two dots after the with keyword specify that the fields in the template record or regular Daml record are bound to the namesake local variables. Assuming the template named Token has two fields named owner and amount, the following three notations to create a contract based on Token are equivalent.

create Token with ..

create Token with

create Token with
  owner = owner
  amount = amount

The latter syntax is the most verbose and it best illustrates what happens when the code is compiled. The fields named owner and amount in the Token contract being created are respectively bound to the local variables named ‘owner’ and ‘amount’. For this code to compile local variables named ‘owner’ and ‘amount’ must exist and have the same type as namesake fields in Token. E.g.

template Token
    owner : Party
    amount : Decimal
    signatory owner

template MyTemplate
    creator : Party
    field1 : Party
    field2 : Decimal
    signatory creator

      owner = field1
      amount = field2

    nonconsuming choice CreateToken : ContractId Token
      controller owner
        create Token with ..

Hi Putkov,

Thank you ever so much for your prompt reply!

I have been trying all day but still have a few problems. I have copied the code below.

1- I want to make sure that the asset I offer has all the same arguments that the asset created. Do I have to repeat all of them?
2- As you can see from the code, I have created choices to update the asset. How can I ensure the asset offered is the one with the last updates?

Thank you in advance if you want to help a bit more! :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:
In my defence, I am working hard… :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

module Asset where

import Daml.Script
import DA.List
import DA.Time

type AssetId = ContractId Asset
type AssetDocOfferId = ContractId AssetDocOffer

template Asset 
        ownerSolicitor : Party
        owner : Party
        auctionHouse :Party --also makes sure that all parties are legit
        issued: Time
        --assetIDCode: Text --To check how to create an asset ID 
        assetDescription : Text 
        assetDocuments : [Text]
        assetDocLink : Text --to be reviwed to create a link to the documents
        valuableDescription : Text 
        valuableDocuments : [Text]
        valuableDocLink : Text --to be reviwed to create a link to the documents

        signatory ownerSolicitor --userAdmin
        observer owner, auctionHouse

--update and add more documents        
        choice AddDocuments
            : AssetId 
                --assetIDCode:Text AssetIDCode cannot change. How can make sure it's always the same
                newAssetDescription: Text
                newAssetDocLink : Text
                newValuableDescription : Text 
                newValuableDocuments : [Text]
                newValuableDocLink : Text 

            controller ownerSolicitor 
                create this with
                    assetDescription = newAssetDescription
                    assetDocuments = assetDocuments ++ newAssetDocuments
                    assetDocLink = newAssetDocLink 
                    valuableDescription = newValuableDescription
                    valuableDocuments = valuableDocuments ++ newValuableDocuments
                    valuableDocLink = newValuableDocLink 

--update and remove more documents   

        choice RemoveDocuments
            : AssetId 
                removeAssetDescription: Text
                removeAssetDocLink : Text
                removeValuableDescription : Text 
                valuableDocumentsToRemove : Text
                removeValuableDocLink : Text 

            controller ownerSolicitor 
                create this with
                    assetDescription = removeAssetDescription
                    assetDocuments = delete assetDocumentsToRemove assetDocuments
                    assetDocLink = removeAssetDocLink
                    valuableDescription = removeValuableDescription
                    valuableDocuments = delete valuableDocumentsToRemove valuableDocuments
                    valuableDocLink = removeValuableDocLink


template AssetDocOffer 
        ownerSolicitor : Party
        owner : Party
        auctionHouse :Party 
        issued: Time
        notes: Text
        assetDescription : Text 
        assetDocuments : [Text]
        assetDocLink : Text 
        valuableDescription : Text 
        valuableDocuments : [Text]
        valuableDocLink : Text

        signatory ownerSolicitor
        observer owner,newOwner, auctionHouse

        choice Accept : ContractId AssetDocOffer
            controller ownerSolicitor, newOwnerSolicitor
            do create this with
                owner = newOwner
                ownerSolicitor= newOwnerSolicitor

When asking a new question on the forum, please always start a new thread. If you need to reference an existing thread, include a link in your post. Lengthy threads with multiple unrelated or loosely related discussions make a poor forum experience because they’re hard to navigate and because they make the forum less searchable.

To answer your questions,

  1. Instead of defining in AssetDocOffer template the fields that you defined in Asset template, you can include in AssetDocOffer a field of the type Asset, which will contain a record with the fields defined in Asset template. Then you use this field of the type Asset to get to the values in the fields inside the Asset record. See for example the definition for signatories and observers in the template below. Note that I purposely omitted the Accept choice from this template, as I couldn’t figure out from your code what workflow you’re looking to implement or how this choice fits into it.
template AssetDocOffer 
        asset : Asset
        notes: Text
        signatory asset.ownerSolicitor
        observer asset.owner, newOwner, asset.auctionHouse
  1. If I understand correctly, you’re looking to establish a persistent exclusive relationship between an AssetDocOffer contract and an Asset contract, right? So that, if you have an AssetDocOffer contract, you can always fetch corresponding Asset contract (which implies there must be no more than one Asset contract corresponding to AssetDocOffer contract). And you’re looking to persist this relationship when what is represented by the Asset contract is mutated (existing Asset contract is archived and in its stead a new Asset contract is created with the values of some fields modified from the original). If this is what you’re looking to achieve, I’d suggest including some sort of a unique identifier in Asset template, and use this identifier as a contract key. E.g. include field named assetIdCode and populate it with off the ledger generated GUID whenever new Asset contract is created. Then you can use this key in AssetDocOffer template to fetch the corresponding Asset contract.
template Asset 
        assetIdCode : Text 
        ownerSolicitor : Party

        signatory ownerSolicitor --userAdmin
        observer owner, auctionHouse

        key (ownerSolicitor, assetIdCode) : (Party, Text)
        maintainer key._1

template AssetDocOffer 
        asset : Asset
        notes: Text
        signatory asset.ownerSolicitor
        observer asset.owner, newOwner, asset.auctionHouse

        choice AssetDocOffer_GetAsset : Asset
          controller asset.ownerSolicitor
            (_, asset') <- fetchByKey @Asset (key asset)
            return asset'

I hope this helps

Sorry, from now onwards I’ll always start a new topic even for further questions.
Thank you ever so much, what you sent is very very helpful!!
