Hi all,
We’re seeing an odd error message from our ledger during testing, where it is stating a uniqueness constraint violation for participant_events_pkey
and as a result is unable to persist the entry, full error is below.
We’re not completely able to match up the request to this error at this time, we’re still investigating other unexpected results that came out of out testing, but we’re hoping that some information regarding this error might provide a bit more context around what actually happened. Any information about why we might receive this error would be greatly appreciated!
2021-11-18 12:49:56,627 UTC level=ERROR [daml.index.db.threadpool.connection.sandbox-8] c.d.p.s.s.l.s.SqlLedger: Failed to persist entry with offset: 0000000000000018 (context: {submissionTime=2021-11-18T12:49:56.589955Z, applicationId=my_application, deduplicateUntil=2021-11-19T12:49:56.589957Z, participantId=my-participant, actAs=MyParty, commandId=iLjjmazp5198165649947954, workflowId=abc123, ledgerTime=2021-11-18T12:49:56.589955Z})
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "participant_events_pkey"
Detail: Key (event_id)=(#0000000000000018:0) already exists.
at org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl.receiveErrorResponse(QueryExecutorImpl.java:2553)