What parts of the .daml directory are cached and influence a build?

For example, in a Daml project that has other dependencies.

 triggers git:(develop) ✗ daml build

2022-09-02 00:34:29.78 [INFO]  [build]
Compiling top-secret-triggers to a DAR.

2022-09-02 00:34:31.64 [INFO]  [build]
Created .daml/dist/top-secret-triggers-0.0.2.dar
➜  triggers git:(develop) ✗ daml damlc inspect-dar --json .daml/dist/top-secret-triggers-0.0.2.dar | jq -r .main_package_id
➜  triggers git:(develop) ✗ rm -rf .daml
➜  triggers git:(develop) ✗ daml build

2022-09-02 00:34:59.53 [INFO]  [build]
Compiling top-secret-triggers to a DAR.

2022-09-02 00:35:01.30 [INFO]  [build]
Created .daml/dist/top-secret-triggers-0.0.2.dar
➜  triggers git:(develop) ✗ daml damlc inspect-dar --json .daml/dist/top-secret-triggers-0.0.2.dar | jq -r .main_package_id

That sounds like a bug to me. damlc checks if it needs to clear part of .daml usually so this should never have an effect. The one other reason I can imagine is if you enabled custom build options in particular anything related to incremental & paralllel builds. In that case, the build is just non-deterministic. Those should only be used for development.

I don’t think that I enabled those build options as I don’t know about them, :laughing:. I did have a top-secret-triggers-0.0.1.dar left over inside of .daml which was what I first thought was causing the error. But then I got rid of it and was able to replicate this odd behavior.

Can you still replicate the behaviour? Do you have instructions I could try to reproduce?

Provided off-discuss :wink: