What is --log-file-appender flat

I see the following in the Logging docs:


  configures if and how logging to a file should be done.
  The rolling appender will roll the files
  according to the defined date-time pattern.


  configures the number of historical files to keep
  when using the rolling appender.

  configures the rolling file suffix
  (and therefore the frequency)
  of how files should be rolled.


  configures whether the log file
  should be truncated on startup.

Does --log-file-appender off mean that files are overwritten instead of appended to? Is that different than --log-truncate? What is --log-file-appender=flat ?

I experimented with these options. Here is what I have inferred:

  • --log-file-appender

    • rolling is the default. It renames the current log file, as needed, based on the date pattern.
    • flat disables the rolling feature. Log files are simply appended to. The rolling history and rolling patterns parameters are ignored.
    • off disables writing to log files altogether.
  • --log-truncate

    • is only applicable with –log-file-appender flat option
    • replaces any existing log file at startup.

Double-check me on this and let me know if I’ve missed something.

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