Using a custom frontend-config.js with Navigator

Could any of you explain to me what exactly means the sort/field and the columns/key field in the frontend-config.js?

I’ve read the relevant part of the documentation (Customizable table views), but it’s not explained there, the following snippet is from the docs:

export const customViews = (userId, party, role) => ({
  customview1: {
    type: "table-view",
    title: "Filtered contracts",
    source: {
      type: "contracts",
      filter: [
          field: "id",
          value: "1",
      search: "",
      sort: [
          field: "id",
          direction: "ASCENDING"
    columns: [
        key: "id",
        title: "Contract ID",
        createCell: ({rowData}) => ({
          type: "text",
        sortable: true,
        width: 80,
        weight: 0,
        alignment: "left"

Great question, the docs appear to have gotten a bit out of date here or at least confusing. I’ll try to get them updated.

The field is a cursor into daml/Model.scala at 2903987a61c75432d028d0ee6e4ab6709cb1eaa0 · digital-asset/daml · GitHub with fields separated by dots. So id corresponds to the contract id, argument corresponds to the create argument of the contract and corresponds to the template id.

value is a string that is matched against the value of the cursor. I believe this is always a string contains query so "1" will match 12 even for an integer. (There is no regex support here).

So your example above will match contract ids containing 1 and sort them in ascending order by contract id. That is arguably a pretty useless example.

For something more meaningful, I recommend looking at the Java quickstart example. That example filters contracts of a specific template by a given party.


Perfect, thank you!