Use Postman for async endpoints on the Ledger JSON API

Some of the endpoints on the Ledger JSON API are WebSocket endpoints. For example:

  • /v2/state/active-contracts
  • /v2/updates/flats
  • /v2/updates/trees
  • /v2/commands/completions

I know how to call such endpoints with wscat.

How do I call those endpoints with Postman?

Take as an example, this successful wscat call:

wscat --connect ws://localhost:7575/v2/updates/trees \
   --subprotocol '' \
   --subprotocol 'jwt.token.eyJhbG...' \
   --execute '{ "verbose": true, "beginExclusive": "0", "filter": { "filtersByParty" : { "Alice::12207...": { "cumulative": [] } } } }'
  1. In Postman, create a WebSocket request.

  2. Set the URL, using ws: as the protocol:

  3. Add a Sec-WebSocket-Protocol header with a comma separated list of the “subprotocols.” No braces; no quotes.

  4. Press the “Connect” button.

  5. On the Message tab, “Send” a message.

    Sample message
      "verbose": true,
      "beginExclusive": "0",
      "filter": {
        "filtersByParty": {
          "Alice::12207...": {
            "cumulative": []
  6. In the Response pane, see the response message.

    Sample response