Understanding canton "sequencer subscription has been terminated by the server"

Hi there,

I’m getting repeated messages in my domain logs saying that the “sequencer subscription has been terminated by the server.” I assume the fact that I get it repeatedly means that it also reconnected. I think the sequencer is running in the same container as the domain, so I’m a little hazy on how it could be losing a connection. I guess it would also be nice to announce when it connects.

Anyways, curious what’s happening here/if I can safely ignore it.


Hi Daniel!

Normally, we have seen stuff like that when a load balancer in between has been killing the TCP connection due to idleness. Because of that, we’ve turned grpc keep alive on. Normally, the client will just reconnect, but this isn’t supposed to happen unless something is interfering with the TCP connection.

However, we are not used seeing this message in any of our long running tests. So are you sure that nothing can interfere with the TCP connections in your setup?


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