Trimmed package names when listing DARs in Canton console

I was trying to list uploaded DARs in a participant node using the following commands:

@ health.status
res0: consoleEnvironment.Status = Status for Domain 'mydomain':
Domain id: mydomain::1220e46571b9fdb4d3dbe478f7fadcedcf695f9c6b92bd76621ea00127d8819870f9
Uptime: 22.590039s
	admin: 5019
	public: 5018
Connected Participants: None
Sequencer: SequencerHealthStatus(isActive = true)

Status for Participant 'participant1':
Participant id: PAR::participant1::1220663df6a3a94b6a038c7741927b71093fed78d0a387987efcf59b7d5607d97b3f
Uptime: 14.572881s
	ledger: 5011
	admin: 5012
Connected domains: None
Unhealthy domains: None
Active: true

Status for Participant 'participant2':
Participant id: PAR::participant2::122024673390f048569f13e04c28598d802cae03d1dbb467664134edab0ca7e0f563
Uptime: 12.178676s
	ledger: 5021
	admin: 5022
Connected domains: None
Unhealthy domains: None
Active: true


@ participant1.dars.list()
res4: Seq[com.digitalasset.canton.participant.admin.v0.DarDescription] = Vector(
  DarDescription(hash = "1220d81d893e411dd84c3459a67992cde928c7e93ca2d029e9daa83c6124d771c369", name = "validation-demo-0.0"),
  DarDescription(hash = "12205055a57d60c08b16bd9f1368ecc982d486e6364ac727405336da641260bf45af", name = "AdminWorkflowsWithVacuuming")

Notice the DAR file is named validation-demo-0.0.1.dar but is shown as validation-demo-0.0 when participant1.dars.list() is executed.

Is there a reason why the DAR file name is trimmed and is there a way to enable the full name to be displayed in the output?


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Thanks Rex for raising this, it will be fixed in the future version.

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