Triggers Pending Deployment After SDK Update to 2.1.0

I just updated my SDK version from 1.18.1, to 2.1.0, I’ve updated all the daml.yaml files to

sdk-version: 2.1.0.

at my project root, I have also updated the version to sdk-version: 2.1.0,

The dar files are deployed fine on Daml hub. But when I deploy the trigger, it is stuck in “pending” for the last 10 minutes.

I’ve rebuilt everything, deployed it to daml hub again. Still pending. Not sure how to troubleshoot this one.


Hi @rikotacards ,

Daml Hub does not yet support 2.0 ledgers - deployed ledgers run on 1.18 under the hood. This seems like a compatibility issue with a 2.0 compiled trigger running on a 1.18 ledger.

We hope to have more news about Daml 2.0 support on Daml Hub soon!

So just to be extra clear, I should be able to use SDK 2.0 and above for my main dar files, and the triggers should remain at 1.18, correct? I saw that I can use the data-dependencies field in the daml.yaml files for projects that use different sdk versions.

Hey @rikotacards - doing that that should work just fine.

Note that in general data-dependencies only allows you to depend on DARs built with older SDK versions not DARs built with newer SDK versions. In this specific example however, I believe it should still work because the LF version has not changed between 1.18 and 2.1

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Thanks that’s good to know.