I am trying to understand if it´s possible to generate locally a custom token on a project that I´ve bootstraped with the command:
daml new create-daml-app --template create-daml-app
Since the SDK version being used on the project is SDK >= 2.0.0, the template code will use the following format for the token payload:
"sub": "alice",
"scope": "daml_ledger_api"
How can i setup the readAs and actAs like on the example under through the Front End?
"exp": 1669008104.608,
"https://daml.com/ledger-api": {
"ledgerId": "gambyl-sandbox",
"applicationId": "da-marketplace",
"actAs": [
"readAs": [
"party": "Alice",
"ledgerId": "gambyl-sandbox",
"partyName": "Alice"
Thank you in advance