Suggestion re Daml Blog Posts In/On Forum

Is it possible to have all Blog post hyperlinks in/on
the forum, open in a new tab?

That way you can ‘read & close’ or
‘read & go down the rabbit hole of links’.

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Seconded. Adding a target=_blank to all links would be nice; I pretty much never want to open a link in the same tab as the forum, and it’s mildly annoying to have to remember to right-click on links.


You can actually set this in your preferences for external links:

Edit: But doesn’t seem to work in the forum’s banner topic…

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Neat! Thanks!

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I’d like to vote against this proposal. Tabs are something I like to manage myself, and I don’t appreciate it when websites think they know better than me. I like to choose: left-click to open in the same tab, middle-click or Ctrl/Cmd+click to open in a new one.

Though I may feel this way because I typically use a real mouse on the computer with which I typically browse the forum, and it has a middle mouse button that makes it easy…


No worries, no plan to make this global for exactly these reasons. The option is merely there for external links if people want to set it in their preferences.

Likewise, I do not want the Forum UI disturbed, for any reason.

@anthony I checked and I currently have the External links open in new tab set, but as your said, it does not work from the Forum Banner. Odd.

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Yeah, not much I can do about that unfortunately

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