I was going to suggest the addition of a submitMustFailWith
or equivalent to the SDK.
The use-case I have for this, is for example that I want to check that a transaction fails due to a failed precondition (e.g. asset quantity must be positive), rather than say, a missing controller - the current submitMustFail
doesn’t discriminate between the two. This can be done with a trycatch_
I’ve factored this out into:
submitMustFailWith : forall e m cmds a . (Exception e, ActionCatch m, HasSubmit m cmds, HasCallStack)
=> Party
-> cmds a
-> m ()
submitMustFailWith party cmds =
try do
void $ submit party cmds
throw $ AssertionFailed "Submit should have failed but passed"
(_ : e) ->
pure ()
testSplit = script do
mint <- submitMulti [registrar, alice] [] $ createCmd Holding with
instrument = usd
quantity = 1000.0
submitMustFailWith @PreconditionFailed alice $ exerciseCmd mint Split with splitQuantity = 2000.0
But the result is still
daml/Daml/Finance.daml|91 col 1| Script:Error:Scenario execution failed on commit at Daml.Finance:85:12: Unhandled exception: DA.Exception.PreconditionFailed:PreconditionFailed@f20de1e4e37b92280264c08bf15eca0be0bc5babd7a7b5e574997f154c00cb78 with message = "Template precondition violated: Holding {regulators = Set [], registrars = Set ['registrar'], creditors = Set [], beneficiaries = Set ['alice'], subcustodians = ['registrar'], instrument = <contract-id>, quantity = -1000.0}" Ledger time: 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z Partial transaction: Failed exercise (unknown source): exercises Split on #1:0 (Daml.Finance:Holding) with splitQuantity = 2000.0000000000 Sub-transactions: 0 └─> 'alice' exercises Split on #1:0 (Daml.Finance:Holding) with splitQuantity = 2000.0000000000 children: 1 └─> create Daml.Finance:Holding with regulators = (DA.Set.Types:Set@97b883cd8a2b7f49f90d5d39c981cf6e110cf1f1c64427a28a6d58ec88c43657 with map = GenMap[]); registrars = (DA.Set.Types:Set@97b883cd8a2b7f49f90d5d39c981cf6e110cf1f1c6442
Am I writing the try/catch correctly?
Does this function seem like a sensible addition to the SDK?