Consider M
below, traditionally I would have o
as an observer on M
so that either o
or s
could exercise AddSecret
. But in one case I left it out.
template M
s : Party
o : Party
secrets : [Text]
signatory s
choice AddSecret : ContractId M
actor : Party
secret : Text
controller actor
create this with secrets = secret :: filter (/= secret) secrets
test : Script ()
test = do
let secret = "S's secret only"
[s,o] <- forA ["s", "o"] allocateParty
mId <- s `submit` do createCmd M with secrets = [], ..
-- o is not an observer, so can't be a controller via flexible controllers
o `submitMustFail` do
exerciseCmd mId AddSecret with actor = o, ..
mId2 <- s `submit` do
exerciseCmd mId AddSecret with actor = s, ..
pure ()
But what happens if o
is a witness to the creation of M
(via a request for example).
template Mr
s : Party
o : Party
signatory s
controller o can
CreateM : ContractId M
do create M with secrets = [], ..
test2: Script ()
test2 = do
let secret = "O can add a secret"
[s,o] <- forA ["s", "o"] allocateParty
mr <- s `submit` do createCmd Mr with ..
mId <- o `submit` do exerciseCmd mr CreateM
-- should o be able to submit this?
mId2 <- o `submit` do exerciseCmd mId AddSecret with actor = o, ..
pure ()