Sandbox jmx-exporter metrics

I’m currently looking at the list of metrics for sandbox exposed by the jmx-exporter and want to monitor the number of active connections.

Would the following metric be sufficient: com_digitalasset_platform_sandbox_sandboxserver_short_lived_connections_pool_activeconnections_number. This is because there’s a seemingly similar metric called com_digitalasset_platform_sandbox_sandboxserver_short_lived_connections_pool_activeconnections_value that yields a different result.

As a side note, is there a place where the metrics are described/documented?


The metrics are exposed directly by the connection pool the sandbox uses under the hood, HikariCP. Those are documented in the HikariCP wiki and include the active connections gauge, which should expose just the metric that ends in value. I’m not entirely sure of what number is, to be honest (unless it’s an alias of some sort). You can read more on gauges on the documentation for the library we use for metrics, Dropwizard Metrics (here in particular they document CachedGauges).

In any way, the metrics (including those exposed by components we use under the hood) are not yet documented, so I opened a ticket to track it. Thanks for raising this.