Continuation from: Internal templates? (templates/contracts that can only be created by other template choices?) - #25 by StephenOTT
When working with role-contract / role-party pattern, and you use those parties as the observer role: such as:
template Pool
org: Party
poolMemberRole: Party
owner: Party
poolId: Text -- Never changes
name: Text
signatory org
observer owner, poolMemberRole
What is the recommended pattern for party creation for the equiv of the poolMemberRole
In a structure of Pool > Pool Invite > Pool member: having a Pool Member gives you access / readAs rights to the poolMemberRole party, must you create a new party for every instance of Pool?
When creating a trigger, I was looking at:
- On creation of PoolMember,
- find the Pool that the PoolMember Contract is for, and grant the member the readAs rights to the poolMemberRole party.
This design seems to indicate that every instance of Pool must have a unique party for poolMemberRole? otherwise someone could create a new chain of Pool > Invite > member but share the same party.
The pool could be also signed by the poolMemberRole party, but the rights to actAs the poolMemberRole party would come from out-of-ledger rights changing for a user?
A un-tested quick sample to further the understanding:
template Role
org: Party -- Org that created the role thorugh some mgmt contract
roleName: Text -- role name that will be used by the trigger
-- some role key could be added as well
manager: Party -- Party that will manage this role contract
roleParty: Optional Party -- The party to be added after creation by the trigger bot
actAs: Set Party -- Parties to grant rights to actAs the roleParty - used by trigger bot
readAs: Set Party -- Parties to grant rights to readAs the roleParty - used by trigger bot
signatory org, manager
-- various choices to manage the role
template PoolFromRoles
-- would be created from some super-mgmt contract
org: Party
ownerRole: Party -- Party created by the Role contract for mgmt of the Pool
memberRole: Party -- Party created by the Role contract for member read access of the pool
poolId: Text -- Never changes
name: Text
-- ...other various pool attributes...
signatory org, ownerRole
observer memberRole
key (ownerRole, poolId): PoolKey
maintainer key._1
template PoolMemberFromRoles
-- would be created from a PoolInvite contract
member: Party
poolKey: PoolKey
org: Party
ownerRole: Party
signatory member, org, ownerRole -- assumes that ownerRole party is ~unique per pool.
observer member
-- The creation of this contract would be picked up by the trigger.
-- the trigger would grant the member the ownerRole (readAs) from the Pool.
(based on all the layering that seems to be needing to make this pattern occur for a typical business process, it feels like unless scale really became an issue, it would be much easier to deal with contract migrations/upgrades: such as if a new owner was needed then all existing contracts would be updated with the new owner party/user instead of the separation of roles and the complexity of the layers + triggers and party grants).
There are two parts here:
- Visibility of the pool contract.
- Authorization via the delegation contract.
The second one does not rely on readAs and you can control that separately for each pool (e.g. by fixing the contract id or a contract key you delegate authorization to in the delegation contract).
Visibility on the other hand is at the party level if you go via readAs
So if you’re fine with sharing visibility, you could share the party and limit authorization per pool. If you also need to limit visibility, then you really do need a party per pool if you want to go for this approach. As mentioned before, we are currently working on features that would make this type of contract disclosure easier without having to resort to the very coarse-grained readAs
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