Reconnect to domain after is set to false


I setup an open domain and a participant node separately. Then I added the participant node to the domain. After running some transactions, I disconnect the participant from the domain and restart the domain with = false.

Now the health.status is like this

@ health.status 
res4: EnterpriseCantonStatus = Status for Domain 'domain1':
Domain id: domain1::1220aadde5f36f0d66456329a285f30b994d21c922c7daa91c433d7e1df8d07c9c34
Uptime: 40m 45.720812s
	admin: 10019
	public: 10018
Connected Participants: None
Sequencer: SequencerHealthStatus(isActive = true)

DomainManager 'domainManager1' cannot be reached: DomainManager 'domainManager1' has not been initialized

Now what should I do. Also how can I connect the participant back to the domain?

My domain config is like this

canton {
  domains {
    domain1 {
      storage = ${} = "domain"
      init.domain-parameters.unique-contract-keys = ${?_.shared.unique-contract-keys}
      public-api {
        port = 10018
        // if defined, this include will override the address we bind to. default is
        address = ${?_shared.public-api.address}
      admin-api {
        port = 10019
        address = ${?_shared.admin-api.address}
  } = false

Hi @Frankie

You need to permission the participant node on your domain manager in order to allow it to connect. Please find the relevant documentation here: Manage Domains — Daml SDK 2.5.3 documentation

Is the additional message about domainManager1 not being able to be reached is related to another set of nodes where you have the domain manager(s), mediator(s) and sequencer(s) separated?

Kind Regards,

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