When I run the PQS Scribe app, I see the following in the logs, every minute:
[otel.javaagent] [OkHttp http://localhost:4317/...]
WARN io.opentelemetry.exporter.internal.grpc.GrpcExporter -
Failed to export metrics.
Server responded with gRPC status code 2.
Error message: Failed to connect to localhost/
I’m guessing this is Scribe trying to report metrics to something like Prometheus? Am I on the right track?
How do I either disable that or point it at a different host?
How are you running the app? Is that a Docker image (which one?), a direct java
invocation (please share all arguments), some other method (please give as many details as you can)?
I am running this image:
As a Docker Compose service.
image: digitalasset-docker.jfrog.io/participant-query-store:0.1.0
- ./configs:/canton/host/configs:rw
command: pipeline ledger postgres-document --config /canton/host/configs/scribe1.conf
- participant1
- pqs1
Docker Compose services
image: digitalasset/canton-open-source:2.7.6
- ./configs:/canton/host/configs:rw
- ./.daml/dist/:/canton/host/dist/:rw
command: daemon --config "/canton/host/configs/participant1.conf" --bootstrap "/canton/host/configs/participant1.canton" --log-profile container --log-level-root WARN
- 5003
- 5004
- 5003:5003
- 5004:5004
image: postgres:16
- 5432:5432
image: digitalasset-docker.jfrog.io/participant-query-store:0.1.0
- ./configs:/canton/host/configs:rw
command: pipeline ledger postgres-document --config /canton/host/configs/scribe1.conf
- participant1
- pqs1
With this configuration:
source.ledger.host = "participant1"
source.ledger.port = 5003
target.postgres.host = "pqs1"
Resulting in these logs:
2024-01-25 08:26:49 13:26:49.173 I [zio-fiber-116] com.digitalasset.zio.daml.ledgerapi.LedgerApiVersion:32 Ledger API used to connect: 2.4.0 (V1) application=scribe
2024-01-25 08:26:50 [otel.javaagent 2024-01-25 13:26:50:025 +0000] [OkHttp http://localhost:4317/...] WARN io.opentelemetry.exporter.internal.grpc.GrpcExporter - Failed to export spans. Server responded with gRPC status code 2. Error message: Failed to connect to localhost/
2024-01-25 08:26:50 13:26:50.440 I [zio-fiber-74] com.digitalasset.scribe.postgres.document.DocumentPostgres.Service:67 Applying schema application=scribe
2024-01-25 08:26:50 13:26:50.642 I [zio-fiber-74] com.digitalasset.scribe.postgres.document.DocumentPostgres.Service:70 Schema applied application=scribe
2024-01-25 08:26:50 13:26:50.713 I [zio-fiber-0] com.digitalasset.scribe.pipeline.pipeline.Impl:33 Starting pipeline on behalf of 'alice::12204b39c69952e9352049abdd2dbbadbc978ceb1c773bbcde99186fe34610821543,bob::1220863961cc050d02f36c1d8fb430c3a22ce5ad362bd43bea6e52016e120e60260c,participant1::12204b39c69952e9352049abdd2dbbadbc978ceb1c773bbcde99186fe34610821543,participant2::1220863961cc050d02f36c1d8fb430c3a22ce5ad362bd43bea6e52016e120e60260c' application=scribe
2024-01-25 08:26:50 13:26:50.904 I [zio-fiber-0] com.digitalasset.scribe.pipeline.pipeline.Impl:60 Last checkpoint is absent. Seeding from ACS before processing transactions with starting offset '000000000000000007' application=scribe
2024-01-25 08:26:50 13:26:50.975 I [zio-fiber-837] com.digitalasset.zio.daml.ledgerapi.package:201 Contract filter inclusive of 3 templates and 0 interfaces application=scribe
2024-01-25 08:26:51 13:26:51.086 I [zio-fiber-0] com.digitalasset.scribe.pipeline.pipeline.Impl:84 Continuing from offset '000000000000000007' and index '0' until offset 'INFINITY' application=scribe
2024-01-25 08:26:51 13:26:51.132 I [zio-fiber-905] com.digitalasset.zio.daml.ledgerapi.package:201 Contract filter inclusive of 3 templates and 0 interfaces application=scribe
2024-01-25 08:26:55 [otel.javaagent 2024-01-25 13:26:55:041 +0000] [OkHttp http://localhost:4317/...] WARN io.opentelemetry.exporter.internal.grpc.GrpcExporter - Failed to export spans. Server responded with gRPC status code 2. Error message: Failed to connect to localhost/
2024-01-25 08:27:44 [otel.javaagent 2024-01-25 13:27:44:972 +0000] [OkHttp http://localhost:4317/...] WARN io.opentelemetry.exporter.internal.grpc.GrpcExporter - Failed to export metrics. Server responded with gRPC status code 2. Error message: Failed to connect to localhost/
more log lines
2024-01-25 08:26:44 Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -javaagent:/open-telemetry.jar
2024-01-25 08:26:44 [otel.javaagent 2024-01-25 13:26:44:692 +0000] [main] INFO io.opentelemetry.javaagent.tooling.VersionLogger - opentelemetry-javaagent - version: 1.30.0
2024-01-25 08:26:48 OpenTelemetry Java Agent initialized.
2024-01-25 08:26:48 13:26:48.397 I [zio-fiber-72] com.digitalasset.scribe.appversion.package:14 scribe, version: v0.1.0 application=scribe
2024-01-25 08:26:48 13:26:48.554 I [zio-fiber-76] com.digitalasset.scribe.configuration.package:52 Applied configuration:
2024-01-25 08:26:48 health {
2024-01-25 08:26:48 port="8080"
2024-01-25 08:26:48 }
2024-01-25 08:26:48 logger {
2024-01-25 08:26:48 format=Plain
2024-01-25 08:26:48 level=Info
2024-01-25 08:26:48 mappings {}
2024-01-25 08:26:48 pattern=Plain
2024-01-25 08:26:48 }
2024-01-25 08:26:48 pipeline {
2024-01-25 08:26:48 datasource=TransactionStream
2024-01-25 08:26:48 filter {
2024-01-25 08:26:48 contracts="*"
2024-01-25 08:26:48 metadata="!*"
2024-01-25 08:26:48 parties="*"
2024-01-25 08:26:48 }
2024-01-25 08:26:48 ledger {
2024-01-25 08:26:48 start=Latest
2024-01-25 08:26:48 stop=Never
2024-01-25 08:26:48 }
2024-01-25 08:26:48 oauth {
2024-01-25 08:26:48 accessToken=null
2024-01-25 08:26:48 cafile=null
2024-01-25 08:26:48 clientId=null
2024-01-25 08:26:48 clientSecret=null
2024-01-25 08:26:48 endpoint=null
2024-01-25 08:26:48 parameters {}
2024-01-25 08:26:48 }
2024-01-25 08:26:48 }
2024-01-25 08:26:48 source {
2024-01-25 08:26:48 ledger {
2024-01-25 08:26:48 auth=NoAuth
2024-01-25 08:26:48 host=participant1
2024-01-25 08:26:48 port="5003"
2024-01-25 08:26:48 tls {
2024-01-25 08:26:48 cafile=null
2024-01-25 08:26:48 cert=null
2024-01-25 08:26:48 key=null
2024-01-25 08:26:48 }
2024-01-25 08:26:48 }
2024-01-25 08:26:48 }
2024-01-25 08:26:48 target {
2024-01-25 08:26:48 postgres {
2024-01-25 08:26:48 database=postgres
2024-01-25 08:26:48 host=pqs1
2024-01-25 08:26:48 maxConnections="16"
2024-01-25 08:26:48 password="********"
2024-01-25 08:26:48 port="5432"
2024-01-25 08:26:48 tls {
2024-01-25 08:26:48 cafile=null
2024-01-25 08:26:48 cert=null
2024-01-25 08:26:48 key=null
2024-01-25 08:26:48 mode=Disable
2024-01-25 08:26:48 }
2024-01-25 08:26:48 username=postgres
2024-01-25 08:26:48 }
2024-01-25 08:26:48 schema {
2024-01-25 08:26:48 autoApply="true"
2024-01-25 08:26:48 }
2024-01-25 08:26:48 }
2024-01-25 08:26:48 application=scribe
2024-01-25 08:26:49 13:26:49.173 I [zio-fiber-116] com.digitalasset.zio.daml.ledgerapi.LedgerApiVersion:32 Ledger API used to connect: 2.4.0 (V1) application=scribe
2024-01-25 08:26:50 [otel.javaagent 2024-01-25 13:26:50:025 +0000] [OkHttp http://localhost:4317/...] WARN io.opentelemetry.exporter.internal.grpc.GrpcExporter - Failed to export spans. Server responded with gRPC status code 2. Error message: Failed to connect to localhost/
2024-01-25 08:26:50 13:26:50.440 I [zio-fiber-74] com.digitalasset.scribe.postgres.document.DocumentPostgres.Service:67 Applying schema application=scribe
2024-01-25 08:26:50 13:26:50.642 I [zio-fiber-74] com.digitalasset.scribe.postgres.document.DocumentPostgres.Service:70 Schema applied application=scribe
2024-01-25 08:26:50 13:26:50.713 I [zio-fiber-0] com.digitalasset.scribe.pipeline.pipeline.Impl:33 Starting pipeline on behalf of 'alice::12204b39c69952e9352049abdd2dbbadbc978ceb1c773bbcde99186fe34610821543,bob::1220863961cc050d02f36c1d8fb430c3a22ce5ad362bd43bea6e52016e120e60260c,participant1::12204b39c69952e9352049abdd2dbbadbc978ceb1c773bbcde99186fe34610821543,participant2::1220863961cc050d02f36c1d8fb430c3a22ce5ad362bd43bea6e52016e120e60260c' application=scribe
2024-01-25 08:26:50 13:26:50.904 I [zio-fiber-0] com.digitalasset.scribe.pipeline.pipeline.Impl:60 Last checkpoint is absent. Seeding from ACS before processing transactions with starting offset '000000000000000007' application=scribe
2024-01-25 08:26:50 13:26:50.975 I [zio-fiber-837] com.digitalasset.zio.daml.ledgerapi.package:201 Contract filter inclusive of 3 templates and 0 interfaces application=scribe
2024-01-25 08:26:51 13:26:51.086 I [zio-fiber-0] com.digitalasset.scribe.pipeline.pipeline.Impl:84 Continuing from offset '000000000000000007' and index '0' until offset 'INFINITY' application=scribe
2024-01-25 08:26:51 13:26:51.132 I [zio-fiber-905] com.digitalasset.zio.daml.ledgerapi.package:201 Contract filter inclusive of 3 templates and 0 interfaces application=scribe
2024-01-25 08:26:55 [otel.javaagent 2024-01-25 13:26:55:041 +0000] [OkHttp http://localhost:4317/...] WARN io.opentelemetry.exporter.internal.grpc.GrpcExporter - Failed to export spans. Server responded with gRPC status code 2. Error message: Failed to connect to localhost/
2024-01-25 08:27:44 [otel.javaagent 2024-01-25 13:27:44:972 +0000] [OkHttp http://localhost:4317/...] WARN io.opentelemetry.exporter.internal.grpc.GrpcExporter - Failed to export metrics. Server responded with gRPC status code 2. Error message: Failed to connect to localhost/
2024-01-25 08:28:44 [otel.javaagent 2024-01-25 13:28:44:948 +0000] [OkHttp http://localhost:4317/...] WARN io.opentelemetry.exporter.internal.grpc.GrpcExporter - Failed to export metrics. Server responded with gRPC status code 2. Error message: Failed to connect to localhost/
Scribe is using the Java version of the OpenTelemetry library. Its defaults are reflected in the warning message.
Setting the environment variable OTEL_JAVAAGENT_ENABLED=false
avoids the warning in the logs. In the Docker Compose file, that looks like this:
HT: Thanks to Peter Garmaz for pointing me in the right direction!
For the record, Digital Asset has updated the Participant Query Store Docker image so that this warning should no longer appear out-of-the box.