Passing contract Key in a choice?

Can the key of a contract be passed to another contract through a choice?

        nonconsuming choice InviteNewParticipant : ContractId PoolInvite
                inviter: Party
                newParticipant: Party
            controller owner, participants
                create PoolInvite with
                    inviter = inviter
                    poolKey = this.key -- <----?????????
                    newParticipant = newParticipant

My concept was: Can you pass the key so you can have non-consuming choices, allowing for multiple Invites to be created in parallel? In the ExpensePool example, we have a Pool that transforms into a PoolInvite. Pool invites must be done one at a time. But by passing the key, could we generate all of the invites at once, and then have new participants accept each invite one at a time, and update the pool?

I think this drives into my similar question in If you wanted the ability for multiple participants to be accepted into the pool simultaneously, it would seem you need to use contracts per Pool-Invitee, and then fetch all of the accepted pool invitee contracts to find who are the participants of the pool?


Yes. You want to use key as a function here, so key this in your example.

@Stephen thanks. Where is this fuction usage documented ?

Assuming it is this:

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