Open a Canton Console to a Docker Compose-hosted CN validator node?

I have a 0.3.5 bundle of the Docker-Compose Based Deployment of a Validator Node running on my workstation. How do I open a Canton Console for remote administration of the participant node within that network.

Here is what I’m doing on my Mac. I’d welcome simplifying suggestions.

  1. In the docker-compose/validator folder, run source .env to set the environment variable IMAGE_REPO.
  2. Set the IMAGE_TAG environment variable, as was done when setting up the Docker Compose cluster.
  3. Create a canton-console.conf file with the following:
     canton {
       features.enable-preview-commands = yes
       remote-participants {
         participant {
           ledger-api {
             address = participant
             port = 5001
           admin-api {
             address = participant
             port = 5002
  4. Identify the Docker network name with the following. For me, the network name is splice-validator_splice_validator.
    docker inspect splice-validator-participant-1 \
      | jq '.[0].NetworkSettings.Networks | keys.[0]'
  5. Launch the Canton Console with something like the following:
     docker run -it --rm \
       --network splice-validator_splice_validator \
       --volume ./:/host/ \
       --entrypoint '/app/bin/canton' \
       ${IMAGE_REPO}canton:${IMAGE_TAG} \
       -Dlogback.statusListenerClass=ch.qos.logback.core.status.NopStatusListener \
       --log-level-root WARN \
       --config /host/canton-console.conf
  6. Confirm success by running within the Canton Console.
Sample results
 docker run -it --rm \
   --network splice-validator_splice_validator \
   --volume ./:/host/ \
   --entrypoint '/app/bin/canton' \
   ${IMAGE_REPO}canton:${IMAGE_TAG} \
   -Dlogback.statusListenerClass=ch.qos.logback.core.status.NopStatusListener \
   --log-level-root WARN \
   --config /host/canton-console.conf

 Compiling (synthetic)/ammonite/predef/
 Compiling /app/(console)
   _____            _
  / ____|          | |
 | |     __ _ _ __ | |_ ___  _ __
 | |    / _` | '_ \| __/ _ \| '_ \
 | |___| (_| | | | | || (_) | | | |
  \_____\__,_|_| |_|\__\___/|_| |_|

   Welcome to Canton!
   Type `help` to get started. `exit` to leave.


 res0: NodeStatus[ParticipantStatus] = Participant id: PAR::da-wallace-1::12209...
 Uptime: 1h 41m 14.15722s
   ledger: 5001
   admin: 5002
 Connected domains:
 Unhealthy domains: None
 Active: true
   db-storage : Ok()
   sync-domain : Ok()
   sync-domain-ephemeral : Ok()
   sequencer-client : Ok()
   acs-commitment-processor : Ok()
 Version: 3.2.0-SNAPSHOT
 Supported protocol version(s): 32