On Corda's own experimental "arrangement" DSL vs DAML

Fun fact: DAML was heavily inspired by ‘Composing contracts’ by Peyton-Jones, Seward and Eber [PJSE200031], too, and early versions of DAML looked more similar to what you show above than to today’s DAML. Just for fun, here’s a snippet from an early pre-public version of DAML:

iouChf =
  \(owner :: Party) (obligor :: Party) (amount :: Integer) ->
    {@ DESC
       "IOU " <> toText obligor <> " --[" <> toText amount <> "]--> " <> toText owner
--      [ "description": owner chooses then { "iou": iouChf owner obligor amount }
      { "settle":
        owner chooses account :: Text at tstart then
          { "cash" : settleInChf owner obligor amount account tstart

      , "sell":
        owner chooses newOwner :: Party then
          { "iou": iouChf newOwner obligor amount

Almost unrecognizable!