NullPointerException when using UserManagementClient

Hi there, I’m having some trouble when calling the rxjava UserManagementClient like this:

  new CreateUserRequest(
    new User(myUser),
    new User.Right.CanActAs(myParty1),
    new User.Right.CanActAs(myParty2)

It’s giving me a NullPointerException. There is no issue when using the other CreateUserRequest constructor – see below:

ledgerClient.getUserManagementClient().createUser(new CreateUserRequest(myUser, myParty)).blockingGet();

Note - my rxjava bindings version is 2.6.0

Can you share the full stack trace you get?

Here it is:

java.lang.NullPointerException: null
        at com.daml.ledger.api.v1.admin.UserManagementServiceOuterClass$User$Builder.setPrimaryParty(
        at com.daml.ledger.rxjava.grpc.UserManagementClientImpl.createUser(
        at com.daml.ledger.rxjava.grpc.UserManagementClientImpl.createUser(

It looks like there is probably a bug when trying to create a user without a primary party. Are you deliberately not setting one? Could you try new User(myUser, myParty1)?

No, I didn’t do it deliberately. I can set the primary party if needed. Is the primary party required?

It definitely shouldn’t be but I suspect it works around the bug here.

My workaround is to set the primary party as shown below. Must be some bug related to not having a primary party.

  new CreateUserRequest(
    new User(myUser, myParty1),
    new User.Right.CanActAs(myParty1),
    new User.Right.CanActAs(myParty2)

Thanks, I’ve reported it to the responsible team.