Notification of parameters of an exercise of a nonconsuming choice

Hi all,

I want to double-check my understanding regarding the visibility of choice parameters to observers in non-consuming choices.

Since observers do not get informed about the execution of a nonconsuming choice, they also do not see any parameters that have been passed into the choice, even if there is an archive within that choice.
Is that correct?

I have prepared an example below, and the question is, given the following code, does Charlie ever get to see privateData. Looking at the transaction graph I don’t believe he does, but I want to make sure.

module Main where

import Daml.Script

type PrivateResultId = ContractId PrivateResult

template PublicContract
    partyA : Party
    parties  : [Party]
    signatory partyA
    observer parties

    nonconsuming choice PrivateChoice : PrivateResultId with
        actor: Party
        privateData : Text
     controller actor
         assert (actor `elem` parties)
         archive self
         create PrivateResult with privateData, signatories = [partyA, actor]
template PrivateResult
    privateData : Text
    signatories : [Party]
    signatory signatories

test : Script PrivateResultId
test = script do
  alice <- allocatePartyWithHint "Alice" (PartyIdHint "Alice")
  bob <- allocatePartyWithHint "Bob" (PartyIdHint "Bob")
  charlie <- allocatePartyWithHint "Charlie" (PartyIdHint "Charlie")

  aliceTV <- submit alice do
    createCmd PublicContract with
      partyA = alice
      parties = [bob, charlie]

  submit bob do
    exerciseCmd aliceTV PrivateChoice with actor = bob, privateData = "data"



Yes that is correct, they will see the exercise of the Archive choice but nothing about the exercise of PrivateChoice.