Mismatching type error when accessing ledger api using grpcurl

Hello, I am unable to exercise a choice on a contract using grpcurl against a sandbox ledger.
Details are as follows:


grpcurl -plaintext -d '{
  "commands": {
    "ledgerId": "sandbox",
    "applicationId": "test",
    "party": "Alice",
    "commands": [
        "exercise": {
          "contractId": "<some-contract-id>",
          "choice": "CloseTask",
          "choiceArgument": {
            "party": "Alice"
          "templateId": {
            "packageId": "<package-id>",
            "moduleName": "Main.Main",
            "entityName": "Task"
    "actAs": [
    "readAs": [
    "disclosedContracts": [],
    "commandId": "test"
}' localhost:6865 com.daml.ledger.api.v1.CommandSubmissionService.Submit

Here is the choice that I am trying to exercise:

choice CloseTask: () with
        user: Party
      controller user
        return ()

Here is the response from the ledger API:

COMMAND_PREPROCESSING_FAILED(8,8e61f8b9): mismatching type: Main.Main:CloseTask and value: ValueParty(Alice)

Is this an issue passing argument to the choice?

Hi, @ksm3. I haven’t tried to replicate this. However, the first thing I would explore would be including the full party id, instead of just the user-friendly portion of the id.

For example, instead of this:

"party": "Alice"

I would try something like this:

"party": "Alice::1220a07d5e7862998100f5c69aebf309bef4be2ffb08f2ab6b044e42fe0f71a20cc9"

You can get the full party names with this command:

daml ledger list-parties

The full party id reflects the fact that there might be another “Alice” on the network somewhere. The part after the :: is “the fingerprint of the public key that can authorize topology transactions for this party.” See here.