I use the TransactionsClient from the ledger API to listen to newly created transactions, and I specify a LedgerOffset begin value to identify the offset from which to start listening to transactions.
As I create and process transactions, I do maintain the latest TX offset value, but I do not persist it (yet). I need to persist the offset so that the next time I restart my service, I pick up where I left.
Are there any DAML-esque ways of persisting this offset value?
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Can you clarify for me what you mean by “Daml-esque”? In general, the offset can be persisted in any way it suits your specific application, including “just” writing it to a file. If your application is backed by a transactional data store (like a relational database), piggy-backing on your store’s transactionality to process the events and storing the offset as part of a single transaction is probably a very nice property you want to use. Otherwise you’ll need to consider what happens if you only processed parts of a transaction as a failure happens and take steps to deal with that (processing events in an idempotent fashion might help, as well as keeping track of the event ID within a transaction, but the details depend heavily on your application’s logic and the transactional properties of your application’s secondary data store).
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In addition to the standard persistence stores (files, dbs, etc) that you mentioned, I just wanted to know (since I’m fairly new to this) if there were other well-defined patterns. All clear. Thank you Stefano.
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