Following @Leonid_Rozenberg lead on submit API i was able to implement a scenario in which a multi party submit is performed on an existing contract.
However, i face an “UNAUTHENTICATED” error although i made sure my tokens are up-to-date. I belive the root cause is one of the following bullets (code is shown below):
The choice receives a party and productId - Is the party suppose to be the contract’s owner?
The Exercise receives actAs and readAs which are currently set to the new created party (“dummyParty”) and the owner. Is this correct input? Should i populate both list with same parties?
private void exerciseCommandOnProduct(String contractId, ProductFields productFields, String multiPartyToken) {
List<String> actAs = Arrays.asList(damlProperties.getOwnerParty(), "dummyParty");
List<String> readAs = Arrays.asList(damlProperties.getOwnerParty(), "dummyParty");
ArrayList<DamlRecord.Field> fields = new ArrayList<DamlRecord.Field>();
fields.add(new DamlRecord.Field(new Party(damlProperties.getOwnerParty())));
fields.add(new DamlRecord.Field(new Party(productFields.getProductCode())));
DamlRecord choiceArgument = new DamlRecord(fields);
ExerciseCommand command = new ExerciseCommand(TEMPLATE_ID, contractId, "CustomerCreatesPolicyRequest", choiceArgument);
List<Command> commands = Collections.singletonList(command);
final Single<Empty> emptySingle = client.
submit(WORKFLOW_ID, APPLICATION_ID, UUID.randomUUID().toString(), actAs, readAs, commands, multiPartyToken);