I’m trying to experiment with exceptions but I get a weird error. (Daml SDK 1.14.0)
I took a test from the Daml repo:
module Main where
import DA.Exception
test1 : ActionCatch m => m Int
test1 =
pure (10 / 0)
(_: ArithmeticError) -> pure 0
I get the following error when compiling:
$ daml build
Compiling daml-new to a DAR.
File: daml/Main.daml
Hidden: no
Range: 5:9-5:20
Source: typecheck
Severity: DsError
Message: daml/Main.daml:5:9: error:Not in scope: type constructor or class ‘ActionCatch’
File: daml/Main.daml
Hidden: no
Range: 7:5-10:39
Source: typecheck
Severity: DsError
daml/Main.daml:7:5: error:
Not in scope: ‘DA.Internal.Desugar._tryCatch’
Perhaps you meant one of these:
‘DA.Internal.Desugar.create’ (imported from DA.Internal.Desugar),
‘DA.Internal.Desugar.fetch’ (imported from DA.Internal.Desugar),
‘DA.Internal.Desugar.concat’ (imported from DA.Internal.Desugar)
Module ‘DA.Internal.Desugar’ does not export ‘_tryCatch’.
File: daml/Main.daml
Hidden: no
Range: 10:9-10:39
Source: typecheck
Severity: DsError
daml/Main.daml:10:9: error:
Not in scope: ‘DA.Internal.Desugar.fromAnyException’
Perhaps you meant one of these:
‘DA.Internal.Desugar.fromAnyChoice’ (imported from DA.Internal.Desugar),
‘DA.Internal.Desugar.fromAnyTemplate’ (imported from DA.Internal.Desugar),
‘DA.Internal.Desugar._fromAnyChoice’ (imported from DA.Internal.Desugar)
Module ‘DA.Internal.Desugar’ does not export ‘fromAnyException’.
File: daml/Main.daml
Hidden: no
Range: 10:13-10:28
Source: typecheck
Severity: DsError
Message: daml/Main.daml:10:13: error:Not in scope: type constructor or class ‘ArithmeticError’
ERROR: Creation of DAR file failed.
Since this is a working test, I assume something is wrong with my setup. However other features work in Daml, only the use of exceptions triggers this.
Any suggestions? Thank you!