Is the D disclosure type specific to submitMulti?

The D disclosure type is new for submitMulti?

I might be mistaken, but I don’t remember we had this earlier. I remember S for Signatory, O for observer, W for Witness.

Without submitMulti we have this kind of disclosure, without the D for Alice in contract T:


The W disclosure type is not specific to submitMulti. The documentation has a brief summary:

The party sees the contract because they have been divulged the contract, e.g., because they witnessed an exercise that resulted in a fetch of this contract.

With a tiny modification to the example from Can I fetch a contract visible to another party with submitMulti? - #4, we can reproduce the same disclosure: Bob can access the fetch choice directly since the contract is visible to him. Alice is a signatory on TFetch so she will witness the exercise and thereby also witness the fetch of the contract.

module Main where

import Daml.Script

template T
    p : Party
    signatory p

template FetchTpl
    p1 : Party
    p2 : Party
    signatory p1
    observer p2
    nonconsuming choice Fetch : T
        cid : ContractId T
      controller p2
      do fetch cid

test = do
  alice <- allocateParty "Alice"
  bob <- allocateParty "Bob"
  fetchCid <- submit alice $ createCmd (FetchTpl alice bob)
  tCid <- submit bob $ createCmd (T bob)
  submit bob $ exerciseCmd fetchCid (Fetch tCid)
  pure ()

Thank you!

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