Is PQS compatible with Postgres 14?

The PQS documentation states among the requirements:

A PostgreSQL database that can be reached from the PQS. Note that PQS uses the JSONB data type for storing JSON data, which requires Postgres versions 11, 13, and 15.

This sounds strange. Does this mean that Postgres 14 is not supported? Or is it just sloppy formulation and also 14 is supported?

The question arises because the highest Postgres version compatible with Canton is 14 so we customarily use Postgres 14.

The Postgres documentation indicates that JSONB is supported by 14 (and it would be peculiar to be supported by 13 and 15 and not 14):

PostgreSQL offers two types for storing JSON data: json and jsonb .

Hi @gyorgybalazsi

Yes, it does support PG 14. Docs will be fixed soon.
