Is it possible to import a specific template from a module?

Is it possible to import a specific template from a module?


You could try using an import list, something like

import M (T(..))

where M is the module and T is the template name.

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Note that this will only import the template. If your template has choices other than Archive that you want to exercise you will need to import them separately, e.g.,

import M (T(..), MyChoice(..))

There is currently no way to say “import a template and all its choices”.


@cocreature I see - that feels awkward from a developer experience perspective. Are there any future plans to allow automatic import of all choices of a template when you import the template?

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Right now we don’t have plans for this.

I assume the reason is you’re importing the underlying data records autogenerated for every template and choice so need to explicitly specify each one?

Exactly, we just piggy-back on top of the standard Haskell exports and imports so there is nothing special for templates here.