We will be performing infrastructure updates on hub.daml.com on Friday, May 28, 2021 from 6pm to 9pm EST. The console, ledgers, and all user websites will be down for the duration of the maintenance window.
We will be upgrading Daml Hub to support Daml Connect 1.13.1.
This was originally scheduled for May 22, 2021, but has been pushed back to May 28.
Thanks, but 10am - 1pm, which Timezone? 
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I think that would be EST.
Whoops apologies! Yes, Eastern time in the US is the timezone.
Additionally, this update will be pushed back to Friday night, May 28 at 6:00 PM–9:00 PM. Daml Hub will NOT undergo maintenance this weekend at the originally scheduled time.
Thanks for using Daml Hub!